Ashton Larkin was the first RISS alum to be awarded the new NSF CISE CSGrad4US Fellowship. NSF CISE & the Computing Research Association (CRA) are partnering to support students opportunities for students in industry to return to pursue a PhD.

Applications for the next cohort will open in early 2025.

The purpose of the CSGrad4US Fellowship Program is to boost the participation of diverse U.S. students in graduate programs focused on research and innovation within the fields of computer science, computer engineering, and information science.

The CSGrad4US Mentoring Program aims to:

  1. Support students returning to academia in navigating the PhD application process and selecting the right school.
  2. Provide mentorship during the first year of PhD studies to foster a smooth transition and ensure strong retention.

Congratulations, Ashton! Thank you, Erik Russell (CRA PI) for this amazing opportunity and your support for Ashton and the other scholars. 🙂