Educational Initiatives
Rachel designs and deploys evidence-based educational programming and creates networks that encourage successful outcomes for STEM learners from a broad range of backgrounds. Her work is student-centered, interdisciplinary, and engages a large regional, national, and global network of partners, advocates, and alumni. She also leverages multimedia and various platforms to create inclusive STEM materials. Rachel was co-executive producer of the Emmy nominated PBS Learning TV series the Robot Doctor. Currently, she serves as co-director of the RI Summer Scholars Program and global programs manager at Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute.
The Robotics Institute Summer Scholars Program (RISS)
We believe that a few bumps along the way should not derail students that are committed and interested in pursuing futures in STEM. RISS activities & support span 11 months – first preparing the student to succeed in RISS and then ensuring that students gain admissions to graduate school or connect to another STEM opportunity.

Explore Robotics: Education, Research, & Careers Youtube Channel
Robolaunch: Come Explore Robotics
At the core of RISS RoboLaunch is a Seminar Series, Workshops, and a learn-and-teach style Competition, providing a unique platform to launch into robotics. The series features smart, digestible, and inspirational robotics briefings from scientists, entrepreneurs, and educators worldwide, where each talk explores a “big idea” in robotics. The workshops help participants learn and explore various topics within robotics.

PBS Media Robot Doctor Emmy Nominated TV Series
The series reinforces critical mathematics concepts taught in high school. The learning objectives in each episode are linked directly to Pennsylvania State Standards in Math and Science and focus on the Pennsylvania Department of Education-recommended content. The Robot Doctor ties math concepts taught in high school to cutting-edge robotic technologies from drones to autonomous vehicles to humanoids.