Robotics is an exciting and fast-growing career, yet pathways to robotics may not always be clear for students. In this workshop for rural educators entitled Mathematics Building Blocks for Robotics – roboticists from Carnegie Mellon University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Michigan shared their journeys in STEM and lesson plans to tie core robotics concepts to high school math. The team shared a website of curated free robotics and AI resources for K-12 educators. The instructors (Willa Potosnak, Jasmine Jerry Aloor, Kaleb Ben Naveed, Conner Pulling, and Arnab Dey) are alumni of the Carnegie Mellon RI Summer Scholars (RISS) program and core members of the CMU RoboticsEd website team.
“Creating space to explore and share the field of robotics and multiple onramps to careers in STEM is a critical part of the RISS experience that I design,” shared Rachel Burcin. “The overall learning environment for RISS emphasizes educational diplomacy and community engagement.”